When you wake up really early there is nothing on TV but those moronic morning shows. On one of them they were talking about some woman on "The View" that's on Barbara Walters insulted someone on some show called "Dancing with the Stars.
So, the morning show segment was about how she apologized and how she shouldn't have said this and the stalkee was really upset and blah blah blah. My first reaction was "Really? Really?! People get away with saying way worse on TV. And I thought she was funny! That's so dumb to apologize. This is like something David Letterman would say." And then I found out she wasn't joking and she's some nut job who believes you will go to hell if anyone you're not married to sees you belly button. Such a shame. Elisabeth Hasselbeck, you're a comedic genius and you don't even know it.
You can watch the apology here.
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